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Paragould Farmers Market

Paragould Farmers Market

Vendor Application

Please enter your first name.
Please enter your last name.
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Please submit your address.
Please provide the city.
Please provide your ZIP code.
Please enter your phone number.
Please enter your email address.

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When providing photo examples of your work, keep in mind each file is limited to a file size of 3 MB.
If your file exceeds that limit, please resize before submitting.

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Each Approved Vendor receives TWO FREE Market Shirts. Please select your shirt size below:

Please select the size of your first free shirt.
Please select the size of your second free shirt.

I have read, and agree to follow the rules and regulations of the Paragould Local Market. I understand the fees and requirements of me as a vendor.

You must agree to the terms.

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$20 application fee due upon receipt of the application.

Applications will not be reviewed without payment. Please check your email after form submission for details on payment.

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