Welcome to Downtown Paragould!

Main Street Paragould's vision is to realize the full potential of Downtown, with acknowledgment of our historic culture, while aiming towards a new era of development, growth, and productivity.
As one of only fifteen Main Street programs statewide, our Downtown has flourished and grown, due in part to the efforts of Main Street Paragould and other organizations which recognize the importance of preservation. While the work will never be complete, we are proud of our recent accomplishments.
Main Street Paragould, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Arkansas, is a economic development program that enacts restructuring through historic preservation.
An accredited Main Street America member since 1999, Main Street Paragould directs this development through design, organization, promotion, and economic restructuring to preserve and enhance the Downtown historical commercial district.
Learn More About Main Street Paragould